2007 Class Reunion

45th Anniversary

New Orleans, LA



Fourth Row L to R - Mike Vaughan, Doug Wood, Lloyd Powell, Jim Beatty

Third Row L to R - Joe Campbell, Nangy Ghafarshad, Don Lindbo, Jim Hendrickson

Second Row L to R - Gary Bergman, Gerry Kons, Jim Butterfield, Don Shotz

First Row L to R - Bob Morey, Don Rosborough, Pete Hickman, Bill "Tango" Scott



Fourth Row L to R - Marilyn Vaughan, Karen Beatty, Ann Campbell, Bev Lindbo

Third Row L to R - Fahima Ghafarshad, Allie Marth

Second Row L to R - Judie Butterfield, Nancy Biehn, Ann Shotz, Mary Lou Hickman

First Row L to R - Glenn Wood, Jean Kons, Polly Hendrickson, Suzanne Rosborough


More Pictures


Photos have been sent to the Webmaster by Pete Hickman, Tango Scott and Bob Morey.  To see most of these

photos, select from the following list:

Pete Hickman

Tango Scott

Bob Morey: Cocktail Party

Bob Morey: Acme Oyster House

Bob Morey: Riverboat Cruise

Bob Morey: Pat O'Briens

Bob Morey: Antoine's



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